Hello everybody,
how's everyone doing? I do hope well and that you've had a good start back to school or uni if you're going. I know I haven't been active in so long but life has been pretty crazy lately so apologies if I won't post regularly but I will do my best to keep this blog running! Anyway, why don't you grab yourself a cuppa, get comfy and keep on reading today's post?
If you've been following my blog for quite some time then it won't be a secret to you how important a good skincare regime is to me! Furthermore, I stress the importance of natural and cruelty-free products as you wouldn't want to put harsh chemicals onto your skin on a daily basis, would you? Of course, you can add a few chemical-based products to your routine but it's all about the right balance.
But how are you supposed to know which ingredients are good for your skin and which aren't? Especially with the beauty industry making it a lot harder for us to decipher the hieroglyphics, right? Well, luckily for you and me the people at reviews.com are reaching out a helping hand with their review about The Best Facial Cleansers. In this post, they narrowed down the list of ingredients that should be used on your skin and which shouldn't come near your face.
As I already mentioned above, I usually gravitate towards products with natural ingredients only, however, I do also have a few favourites with other components to them.
So, if you are on the hunt for a new cleanser or you just want to expand your skincare expertise, then you should definitely give the post a read!
Now after you found the products that work for you as well as containing the ingredients of your choice, there's nothing more important than sticking to your routine. That's why I thought it would be a good idea, to list a few of things you should do and some you should never do.
I know so many people with oily skin are scared of using oil-based products to remover their makeup or to cleanse their skin. But, it's scientifically proven that our skin, no matter the skin type, needs oil. It does make sense if you think about it. If you only ever use oil-stripping skincare, your skin will automatically produce more oil. So I'd suggest you start including at least one oil-based product to your skincare routine, I promise you will see a difference!
Double Cleans
Cleansing your skin is important itself anyway, but double cleansing is a great way of making sure that all of the dirt and grim is actually removed from your skin. For example, use an oil-based makeup remover (I LOVE the Origins Moder Friction Double Oil Cleanser) and afterwards go in with a standard cleanser. You don't have to do this every day but, to see good results in the look of your skin do it at least 3 times a week.
Another step people are scared of, including me! There's just something about putting tiny harsh specs on your skin that make me back away. Because all I think of when I see them is red, literally red skin. If you have sensitive skin like myself. then you're probably even more sceptical about exfoliating than people with normal skin. Hence it being extremely important to find a suitable exfoliating product for your skin type! Nowadays there even are chemical products which haven't got these weird specs in them, they have a smooth texture but have some sort of chemical inside them to get rid of the top layer of dead skin.
If you already come so far of creating a routine for yourself, the worst you can do is leaving a step out. I can't stress enough how important it is to actually stick to the things you do. If you do skip a step or even more than one, then you might want to change your routine, maybe you're doing too much. Try to adjust your routine around the time you've got. And also make sure you enjoy doing it.
Being Too Harsh
I've seen so many people being way too harsh on their skin. Not in the sense of hating their skin, but more of actually being physically too hard with it. Really, there is no point in using products to make your skin look and feel good if you're aggressively rubbing and scrubbing your skin off. But rather be gentle with it, the best advice I can give you is to treat your skin like you would treat a baby. I know it may seem weird putting the two of them next to each other but you wouldn't be aggressive with a baby, now would you?
Sleeping With Your Makeup On
I'm sure you're sick and tired of everyone telling you this, but sleeping with your makeup on is a killer and an absolute no-go. I beg you to be cautious and always, always remove your makeup before going to bed, no matter how late (or I guess early would be more appropriate here, haha) it is!
And these are my top tips for getting the desired looking skin you want. Obviously, as a woman, there are still these little monsters called "hormones" which do like to sabotage our hard work every now and then, but if that's the case then just remind yourself that you're not alone with it. After all, we're all in this together.
I hope this was helpful in some way to some of you if it was then let me know so! Also if you have any more tips or do's and dont's to add to the list, then make sure to leave them in the comment section down below to help other people and me out! Have a nice one and see you soon loves.
Mary going offline xx
how's everyone doing? I do hope well and that you've had a good start back to school or uni if you're going. I know I haven't been active in so long but life has been pretty crazy lately so apologies if I won't post regularly but I will do my best to keep this blog running! Anyway, why don't you grab yourself a cuppa, get comfy and keep on reading today's post?
If you've been following my blog for quite some time then it won't be a secret to you how important a good skincare regime is to me! Furthermore, I stress the importance of natural and cruelty-free products as you wouldn't want to put harsh chemicals onto your skin on a daily basis, would you? Of course, you can add a few chemical-based products to your routine but it's all about the right balance.
But how are you supposed to know which ingredients are good for your skin and which aren't? Especially with the beauty industry making it a lot harder for us to decipher the hieroglyphics, right? Well, luckily for you and me the people at reviews.com are reaching out a helping hand with their review about The Best Facial Cleansers. In this post, they narrowed down the list of ingredients that should be used on your skin and which shouldn't come near your face.
As I already mentioned above, I usually gravitate towards products with natural ingredients only, however, I do also have a few favourites with other components to them.
So, if you are on the hunt for a new cleanser or you just want to expand your skincare expertise, then you should definitely give the post a read!
Now after you found the products that work for you as well as containing the ingredients of your choice, there's nothing more important than sticking to your routine. That's why I thought it would be a good idea, to list a few of things you should do and some you should never do.
Oil CleansersI know so many people with oily skin are scared of using oil-based products to remover their makeup or to cleanse their skin. But, it's scientifically proven that our skin, no matter the skin type, needs oil. It does make sense if you think about it. If you only ever use oil-stripping skincare, your skin will automatically produce more oil. So I'd suggest you start including at least one oil-based product to your skincare routine, I promise you will see a difference!
Double Cleans
Cleansing your skin is important itself anyway, but double cleansing is a great way of making sure that all of the dirt and grim is actually removed from your skin. For example, use an oil-based makeup remover (I LOVE the Origins Moder Friction Double Oil Cleanser) and afterwards go in with a standard cleanser. You don't have to do this every day but, to see good results in the look of your skin do it at least 3 times a week.
Another step people are scared of, including me! There's just something about putting tiny harsh specs on your skin that make me back away. Because all I think of when I see them is red, literally red skin. If you have sensitive skin like myself. then you're probably even more sceptical about exfoliating than people with normal skin. Hence it being extremely important to find a suitable exfoliating product for your skin type! Nowadays there even are chemical products which haven't got these weird specs in them, they have a smooth texture but have some sort of chemical inside them to get rid of the top layer of dead skin.
Skipping A StepIf you already come so far of creating a routine for yourself, the worst you can do is leaving a step out. I can't stress enough how important it is to actually stick to the things you do. If you do skip a step or even more than one, then you might want to change your routine, maybe you're doing too much. Try to adjust your routine around the time you've got. And also make sure you enjoy doing it.
Being Too Harsh
I've seen so many people being way too harsh on their skin. Not in the sense of hating their skin, but more of actually being physically too hard with it. Really, there is no point in using products to make your skin look and feel good if you're aggressively rubbing and scrubbing your skin off. But rather be gentle with it, the best advice I can give you is to treat your skin like you would treat a baby. I know it may seem weird putting the two of them next to each other but you wouldn't be aggressive with a baby, now would you?
Sleeping With Your Makeup On
I'm sure you're sick and tired of everyone telling you this, but sleeping with your makeup on is a killer and an absolute no-go. I beg you to be cautious and always, always remove your makeup before going to bed, no matter how late (or I guess early would be more appropriate here, haha) it is!
And these are my top tips for getting the desired looking skin you want. Obviously, as a woman, there are still these little monsters called "hormones" which do like to sabotage our hard work every now and then, but if that's the case then just remind yourself that you're not alone with it. After all, we're all in this together.
I hope this was helpful in some way to some of you if it was then let me know so! Also if you have any more tips or do's and dont's to add to the list, then make sure to leave them in the comment section down below to help other people and me out! Have a nice one and see you soon loves.
Mary going offline xx