Inspiration is like the sun; it comes, goes and on cloudy days a ray of sunshine may peak through. When feeling inspired we automatically get motivated to do something and to achieve some of our goals. But what exactly happens on the rainy days? If there's no inspiration we'll lack motivation.
As human beings, we are constantly striving to improve ourselves and our lives in order to reach our full potential. That's natural human behaviour. But when you're feeling deprived of creative thoughts, unmotivated to do anything and feel saggy because of that, one might find it hard to push themselves to outgrow the best. So, I am here today to talk about a few things you can do to gain back your inspiration and thus get motivated to make a change in your life.
1. Stream of Consciousness
Grab yourself an ordinary piece of paper or a fancy notebook and a pen and start writing down your thoughts. Unfiltered, not thought through. Just write the words down in their raw and pure form as they popped into your head. You can set yourself a timer to do this for a specific amount of time or just simply let your hand flow over the pages until you feel like you have emptied every compartment of your brain. Take a thorough look at what you have written down and see if there's anything that connects with your wretched mood. Then it's up to you to find a solution to make your day happier and to go on about the day with a whole new mindset.
Sometimes our head is cluttered to the brim with a million thoughts which can lead to being uninspired and unmotivated. For the most part, we don't even acknowledge everything that is going on inside of our head; so by writing down and physically being able to see it all can really help to get you back on track and to sort things out you may not have put as much thought or effort in to begin with.
Making it a habit to clean your room, flat or house will do your mind some good. You can clear your head and you'll notice your concentration level rising steadily. If we're already talking about the positive effects then let me just say that your flat will benefit from this one too.
Constantly coming up with brand new ideas or your own twists to already existing ones is hard. By looking at other people's creations you may be able to find some inspiration to do something similar or it may untie a knot inside your head and sooner than you might think, you will burst with creative self-made ideas.
Some books are made as a guide to help you with your life organisation but even fictions can include some things you may not have known beforehand. By reading every single day you might learn something new every day but you will only find out by doing it.
Hopefully one of the tips aforementioned can help you regain your energy and get you pumped for what's to come.
Sometimes our head is cluttered to the brim with a million thoughts which can lead to being uninspired and unmotivated. For the most part, we don't even acknowledge everything that is going on inside of our head; so by writing down and physically being able to see it all can really help to get you back on track and to sort things out you may not have put as much thought or effort in to begin with.
2. Clean & Scrub
This is a crucial step for me. Cleaning my room and scrubbing the floor squeaky clean is one of the best cures for an overwhelmed mind. I don't know about you but whenever I'm feeling particularly moody and stuck all I have to do is take a look at my room. That might sound odd but when my mind's a mess; my room's a mess and vice versa.Making it a habit to clean your room, flat or house will do your mind some good. You can clear your head and you'll notice your concentration level rising steadily. If we're already talking about the positive effects then let me just say that your flat will benefit from this one too.
3. Embrace the Modernism
A fair few things can be responsible for a creativity block. Possibly you could just have no clue what to post on your blog, what to cook on this day or something as simple as what to wear. How profitable that we've got this really clever thing called the internet. Take advantage of the modern times we're living in and scroll through Pinterest, Tumblr, WeHeartIt and whatnot for a few hours - no one's going to blame you. Watch some of your favourite YouTubers or try to find a new channel which specifically concentrates on motivation and getting your life together. One of my favourites being Kalyn Nicholson aka my favourite person on earth.Constantly coming up with brand new ideas or your own twists to already existing ones is hard. By looking at other people's creations you may be able to find some inspiration to do something similar or it may untie a knot inside your head and sooner than you might think, you will burst with creative self-made ideas.
4. Read Yourself Smart
This and number three kind of go hand-in-hand. Search the internet or have a stroll around a million bookshops and hunt down inspirational books. If you are trying not to spend too much money this year (although books are an investment for eternity in my opinion anyway - inner bookworm speaking) then just read the books you've got at home. The point is that you should read every single day, might that be just a few pages or devouring an entire book in a day. Reading is important to keep our brain cells active and put our minds at ease.Some books are made as a guide to help you with your life organisation but even fictions can include some things you may not have known beforehand. By reading every single day you might learn something new every day but you will only find out by doing it.
5. Don't Be Too Hard On Yourself
Most likely to be the hardest one out of all the mentioned above. Even though it is our nature to try and be better than we are and to improve our lives just that little bit more, it's important to not beat yourself up if you fail at some point or are stuck. Take a step back, have a look at what lies in front of you and start appreciating what you have got. Being patient is hard and annoying, we all know that. But rushing things and blaming ourselves won't help us to the improvement we're longing for. At the end of the day, we're human - it's okay to make mistakes.Hopefully one of the tips aforementioned can help you regain your energy and get you pumped for what's to come.
You learn more from failure than from success. Don't let it stop you. Failure builds character. - UnknownMary going offline xx