
Hello everybody,
and welcome to my blog! As you probably can tell I am a newbie here and I am definitely not a professional writer in any way, just wanted to point this out there!
This blog is gonna be about beauty related stuff, fashion and loads of other things, so yeah I hope you enjoy my first ever post and do let me know in the comments down below if you liked it and maybe some topics you’d like me to write about in the future.
So today’s post is gonna be all about friendship. Now I personally think that a lot of people take the topic “real friends” for granted, but in all honesty that is not the case. Friendship is something really special and I have the feeling that the majority of us human beings have forgotten about that. Being someone’s friend means that this person trusts you, that this person thinks that you are someone he/she can be happy and sad with and that he/she can talk with you about a lot of stuff, and if you are someone’s best friend on top of this pile comes that this person knows that he/she can tell you all of his/hers secrets and this means a lot to everybody and I’m pretty sure that most of us have someone like this in our lives.
It is really important for everyone to have someone who you can talk to about nearly everything whether this person is just a normal friend or your best friend, but it’s not that easy to find a real friend that doesn’t splurge around your secrets as soon as you told him/her them, trust me I’ve been there with some persons in my life before and that was no fun, but nearly three years ago I found my best friend or as I like to call her, my chummy and I love her to pieces. And there we come to one of my favourite quotes: “A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.” -by Sarah Jessica Parker
Don’t be put off by this now, it may be hard to find a real friend but that is the thing that makes friendship so special, to have someone you can trust is not self-evident at all, but when you found a real friend then you can be sure that you will have this person for a longer period of time in your life, so hold on this persons hand tightly and don’t let him/her go that easily.
So that’s going to be it for today, please let me know your opinion down below in the comments, I’m really interested in the different views of everyone on this topic and do let me know if you’d like me to write more about friendship, because I do think that we should start talking more about it and that we should really start appreciating the friends we have.
Mary going offline xx