Banana Almond & PB Overnight Oats

Hello you beautiful people,

and welcome back to my blog! I know, I know, it's been way too long since I last posted a blog post on here, and I truly am sorry for that! But, being in my last year of school, it's kind of getting tougher and tougher and school is craving for more and more attention and time than I ever thought was possible... (anyone out there who knows what I mean?) Anyways, enough rambling, I am back and am very happy to be so, but without further ado, grab yourself a cuppa, get comfy and keep on reading today's post!

Personally I haven't set myself any New Year's Resolutions for this year, but I know that a lot of people have. Many of which who want to eat healthier and live a healthier life over all in general, so I thought I would help those of you out who want to do just that, by sharing a few of my own, very delicious and healthy recipes with you!

So for my first recipe I want to bring you my absolute favourite overnight oats, with Peanut butter, banana, almond vanilla milk and chocolate, are you hooked yet? They don't necessarily sound very healthy, but trust me they are packed with nutrients, energy and vitamins, which you just won't be able to pass!

You'll need:

1 Cup Oats
1 Cup Almond Vanilla Milk
2 Tbsp Chia Seeds
2 Tbsp Cacao Powder
2 Tbsp Cacao Nibs
2 Tbsp Unsweetened Peanut Butter

1 Mason Jar with lid

What you'll need to do:

Take a medium sized mixing bowl and mash one banana until smooth.
Add all the remaining ingredients and stir until everything is well combined.
Slice half of a banana into about 1 inch thick slices and arrange them in your mason jar to make it look pretty.
Poor in your mixture and seal with the lid.
Place your jar into the fridge overnight and enjoy the next morning with an extra sprinkle of cacao nibs and nice smoothie. 

Uhm, that's it? Yup, they are in fact as simple as that. And that's exactly what I love about overnight oats, they are just so quick and easy to make, you literally throw everything together, put it in a mason jar and pop it in the fridge overnight. Whilst them being so easy to make, they are still packed with lots of good things for you and your body and oats fill you up and make you feel fuller for longer than a piece of toast would! Whether you eat it in the morning for a delicious and quick breakfast or you take it with you to work or school for a snack, it's super good for you and people will get jealous seeing your yummy overnight oats!

Do you have a favourite recipe for overnight oats or for a healthy breakfast? Let me know in the comments down below, I'd love to have a little nosy myself! Also make sure to leave me some suggestions for future posts in the comments down below, if you have any at all! I hope you enjoyed this post, if you did then make sure to share it over in your social media's by simply clicking the buttons below this post. And if you would like to see more of me then click that follow button on the side or subscribe with your email, this way we can be buddies and you'll never miss a post!

Mary going offline xx