3 Healthy Dishes | thegoodway

Hello everybody!

Welcome back to my blog, hope the lot of you are all refreshed from this week. If not then I hope that I can help you to relax a little with today's blog post, I know that I can fully relax when reading someone's blog!

Seeing as I have set myself the goal to get healthier as a new years resolution, I thought it would be quite some fun to share some of my favourite recipes with you guys. So if you want to get healthier as well or you are just nosy in others people food diaries, as I am, then keep reading.

Today I am going to share 3 of my current favourite foods, they are easy and quick to make and don't require a lot of ingredients either. They are not necessarily dinner appropriate but all of them are great for breakfast, if you eat some, as a snack during the day or if you are not keen on eating a lot at night time then  these are a great alternative for the heavier dishes. So let's get started.

1. Porridge with fruits

You will need:

150ml Unsweetened Almond Milk + some extra if the consistency is too thick

7-9 Tbsp Oats

Chia seeds

1/2 ripe Banana


Rice Syrup


Coconut flakes


Goji Berries


Rice Syrup


Prepare your Chia seeds by putting some into a glass with a little bit of water and let it sit for a few minutes. Put the almond milk into a mid sized sauce pan and bring it on a medium heat to a boil. Add your oats to the milk and keep giving it a stir until everything is nice an blended together. Then add your Chia seeds to the mixture as well as the banana, I like to crumble tiny pieces into the mixture but if your prefer mashing the banana first and then adding it in then feel free to do so! After everything is nicely meshed together flavour it however you like, I love using rice syrup and some cinnamon.

Now it's time to fill your porridge into a bowl and put your favourite toppings on it. I usually use a little more rice syrup and sprinkle some extra cinnamon on top and I love putting some coconut flakes on it too, I am a coconut lover! Then I add some goji berries and some kind of fruit, most of the time I use blueberries but in the summer time I love using raspberries and strawberries basically I like going to town with my fruits.

 I reckon this porridge would be great for breakfast, but as I don't eat breakfast I like eating this sometimes for lunch, dinner or any time of the day really. Quick, easy, super healthy but yet super delicious.

2. Soy Yogurt With Granola and Fruits 

You will need:

Some Soy Yogurt

Sugar-free Granola

1/2 Banana


Rice Syrup

Goji Berries


Simply pop some of the soy yogurt into a bowl, put the granola and banana slices in it. Then sprinkle the rest of the ingredients on top to make it all look pretty and delicious. Which it really is, so simple and easy but tastes like you put so much effort into it. I can imagine it being great for school too, if you layer all the ingredients in glas jar and take a spoon with you, you are all covered with healthy food even in school.

3. Avocado on Bread

You will need:

1-2 Slices of Wholewheat Bread

1 ripe Avocado



Olive Oil


Mash the avocado onto the slices of bread with the back of a fork. Season it with salt and pepper, and drizzle some olive oil over the top of it. That's it, it's that easy and when you eat it you think there is a flavour explosion in your mouth, it's that good!

That's going to be it for today's health kick blog post, I hope you enjoyed the recipes, please make sure to tag me on Twitter, Tumblr or Pinterest if you recreate one of these. If you are intrigued in some more recipes then head over to my Twitter, I always share my food on there! Also let me know what you would like me to write about in the future in the comments down below, so I can write something based on your suggestions too.

Mary going offline xx