Human's Best Friend - A Superhero
Hello everybody,
and welcome back! Or if you're new here, well then hello nice having you here, I hope you'll stick around. I do hope that all of you are doing absolutely fantastic and that you had a good start back to school or to uni, I have just started uni life myself. Anyway, without too much rambling today, grab yourself a cuppa, get comfy and keep on reading!
If you follow me on Instagram, then you will know that I have a cat, used to have two but, sadly, Charlie ran away last year but I don't think I ever shared a proper photo of my dog, can you believe it? I love him so much, his my little teddy bear, well maybe not so little but you get what I mean, haha. His name is Hachiko, nickname Hachi and he is 7 years old turning 8 in November. And yes he's an Akita Inu and his name is based on the real story and the movie of Hachi which, I'm pretty sure, everyone knows of.
Wanting to address the importance of another being living with people and how they can truly make our lives a whole lot better, so I have come up with my own list of things I personally think my dog has had a positive impact on my life.
Loneliness - What's that again?
Tender loving care for your soul
We all have those dark moments of our own when we feel like the world is crashing down on us and we just want to cry. Usually, one would like to be alone in this kind of situation but it's not very wise. A dog knows when you are sad and comes to your rescue, trying to comfort you and telling you that everything is going to be okay and that you are not alone. By stroking your loved one you can practically feel him talking to you. So guys, if you ever feel alone or down, don't shy away from your dog!Responsible Acting
Easier learning
More activity and fresh air

If you want to know more facts of how dogs improve our lives and have a positive impact on our daily routine, then you can check this graphic from PuppySpot out!
PuppySpot is an amazing company which tries to get loving families to choose their ideal lovely puppy to have a happy life. They offer their service in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and more states across the entire United States.
This is just a small list which definitely can be extended, so if you have any additional facts then leave them in the comments down below or if you want me to include it in the post then drop me an email! I hope you enjoyed this post about our furry friends if you did then make sure to share it over on social media. Do you have a dog yourself? Or maybe another pet? Let me know your story in the comments, I would love to know them!
Mary going offline xoxo