A Relaxing Autumn Evening After A Stressful Day
Hello, you beautiful people all around the world,
and a very warm welcome! How was your week everyone? You okay? I do hope so! I have actually had my first ever full week at university, it was weird, truth be told, but I also kind of enjoyed it. It's just very much different to school but, I guess, that's a good thing. Anyways, enough rambling, why don't you grab yourself a cuppa, get comfy and enjoy reading today's post?
I know pretty much everyone here knows that Autumn is my absolute favourite season, favourite time of the year and that if I had one wish it would be to have Autumn all year round. How many times can one say Autumn in two sentences? With the colder months upon us, everything around us changes: leaves change in colour, the weather gets chilly, warm drinks become an essential wherever we go and dark lipsticks make a comeback into our everyday lives. But one thing doesn't change - stressful daily routines at work, school or university. Let's be honest, stress is inevitable and we all aren't quite fond of it. So, is there a way to ease our minds and mend those knots in our shoulders without having to book an expensive appointment at a spa?
The answer is Yes! By creating your very own spa at home. The best thing about it? You can personalise it and you have the control over what you use and what you want to do. Candles, bubble baths, tea, hot chocolate, crumble, books, movies and cosy blankets, doesn't that sound more than appealing? Well, then let me show you how I like to pamper myself to calm down and forget all of the stress from that day.
First things first when coming home is changing into comfy clothes. This might be a bit TMI but there's nothing better than discarding the bra after a long day, all the women out there feel me, right? Oversized jumper follows the first warm drink of the evening, which on my part is, to no surprise, tea. I'm freaking obsessed with tea, I probably drink around 5 to 6 cups a day. Don't worry, I don't just sip on regular black tea with milk, I love all sorts of teas. Oh, how could I forget, one of the most important things during the Autumn season is warm scented candles, I'll just leave you with one of my favourite quotes here:
The only thing getting 'lit' this weekend are my fall scented candles.Very accurate, am I right? Now let's move onto, most probably, everyone's favourite part - the food. I don't know about you but as soon as it gets a tad colder outside all I crave is chocolate porridge and warm comforting crumbles. Being the health addict I am, I like to make my versions as healthy as possible whilst still tasting absolutely divine. So today I have decided on a Mixed Berry Cinnamon Crumble, which doesn't just look good and is only made out of good ingredients, oh no people, it also tastes like heaven. Not that I would know what heaven tastes like anyway, just metaphorically speaking. Let me know if you'd like me to do a separate post on this crumble, I could definitely do that! I really enjoy baking even on a pamper evening as I find it so relaxing, do you like it too?
It wouldn't be a pamper evening without some sort of relaxing bathroom time. Whether you're a bath person or just like to take long hot showers, this is your time. Usually I would opt for a bath anytime, however, after a long day, all I want is to cuddle up in bed and read a good book or watch a nice movie. So instead a hot shower with my Autumn body care essentials is all I need. The Body Shop's new Vanilla Pumpkin range is absolutely perfect for this time of year, besides it embodies everything I love in one: Autumn/Halloween & Christmas (Yes, I did just say the 'C' word *daring Mary*).
After having endured in vanilla pumpkin goodness and my face is all nice, clean and has my skincare on it's time for a movie. Would it be Autumn without a Harry Potter marathon? I don't think so. Hence me cuddling up on my bed in my Gryffindor jumper with my fairy lights turned on and watching Harry Potter on my Laptop. You can't forget about a nice hot chocolate, whether you make a Pumpkin Spice one or a regular one is totally up to you but I recommend the Pumpkin Spice one, just saying... and a bowl of my crumble with a scoop of Chocolate Salted Caramel Ice Cream (sugar free and minimal ingredients by Booja Booja *highly recommended*).
Let me just say another thing. Autumn is also the best time, in my opinion anyway, for dying your hair. Changing your look seasonally has never been easier. But I know that it's extremely expensive when having it done professionally and you might not find your perfect colour at the drugstore. Here's my suggestion: eSalon. They don't just let you pick your ideal colour, no, they actually reach out to you and work with you to work out exactly what you want. With accessible and cruelty-free products and their amazing customer service, you're ought to find your perfect colour.

They are also really into relaxing after a stressful day, so if you want to have some more inspo then check out this graphic.
And that's it for my relaxing evening with an autumnal twist to it. I hope you enjoyed reading it and that I made you want to do at least two of the things I mentioned above. If you did like it then please make sure to let me know that by sharing this post and maybe you want to stick around? Just follow me so you can keep up with my posts! Oh and don't forget to let me know how you like to relax by leaving me your stories in the comments down below, I'd love to read them!
Mary going offline xoxo