What I Eat In A Day | thegoodway

Hello my beautiful friends,

and welcome to another episode of me sharing my food with you gorgeous people! I hope you're all doing well and that your week has been fantastic.

Today I decided to finally give the "What I eat in a day" a go, I have seen this so many times all over the internet, and I am in love so that's why I wanted to try it out too. So grab yourself paper and pen, get comfy and start writing.

One thing that you should know is that I don't eat that much, like I can't eat three meals a day hands why I usually skip lunch, because I don't get peckish, but if you do then do let me know if you want me to write a blog post about some treats and snacks for lunch time.

All of these recipes are my own, and they don't require a lot of ingredients nor a lots of time. As nobody wants to stand in the kitchen for ages, especially not when it's beautiful outside as it is at the moment, and you could sit in your garden or go for a walk in the city or on the beach.


Usually I don't eat breakfast, especially not during the week, as I just can't down anything in the morning. though my essential to get awake is my tea. I swear you never want to meet me when I haven't had my tea yet, I get so grumpy and it's just not pretty, haha! On the weekend, if I know I got a big day ahead of me or it's a chilled Sunday, then I will most likely always have breakfast, so for today I went for a delicious vegan Greek yogurt with lots of goodies!

The vegan style Greek yogurt with strawberries

You will need:

6 Tbsp Vegan Greek Yogurt (how many times can someone write vegan Greek yogurt in one post?)
Vegan Sugar Free Granola
Coconut Flakes
Rice Syrup


Scoop the Greek yogurt in a bowl, cut your strawberries into quarters and put them onto the yogurt. Top with the rest of your toppings and enjoy.

*me attempting to look somewhat presentable after just waking up, no judging please*

I guess we all know how important it is to drink lots and lots of water, I myself am really bad with drinking enough water. I can literally go without for an entire day, which is really really bad, so don't do it! But sometimes plane water can be boring, and not enough and easily lead to you grabbing to those sweet sugary drinks, that are more than unhealthy for you. So here I tried to amp my water up by putting some strawberries and some mint into my water, and it gives the water a subtle but noticeable delicious taste.

Now onto my favourite meal of the day, dinner. *insert angels singing here* I don' know what it is about dinner that makes me want to crack out all of the goodies that I have in my cupboards to create a new special, fantastic and very delicious meal. I love to create new things, amp some recipes with some of my personal ideas up, or just strictly cook after a recipe. Today's dinner was without doubt by far one of my favourites that I have ever created.

Sweet Potato Chips with Vegan Yogurt-Garlic-Mint Sauce

You will need:

1 large Sweet Potato
½ Cup Sugar Free Vegan Yogurt
A handful Mint Leaves
Garlic Paste (you can use powder too!)
Falafel (I used premade ones, but you can easily make them yoruself!)
Mixed Herbs
Olive Oil
Himalayan Pink Salt


Preheat your oven to 200° Degree Celsius. Cut your sweet potato into medium thick stripes, put them onto baking tray with some grease proof paper, season with a generous amount of olive oil, mixed herbs and salt. Pop them in the oven and bake for around 20 minutes or until soft on the inside and crispy on outside. In the meantime prepare your sauce. Chop up your mint leaves as fine as you can and mix the rest of the ingredients in a mixing bow together. Season as you like. When your sweet potato chips are ready, put everything on a dish where you can easily grab everything, serve with some Falafel and olives. Enjoy! 

That was my first episode of "What I eat in a day", I hope you all liked it as much as I had my fun creating this. If you did then please share this over on your social medias, and if you recreate them then make sure to tag me over on twitter. Please leave me your suggestions for future posts or request for these types of blog posts, in the comments down below!

Mary going offline xx