Spring Salad | thegoodway

Hello my loves,

and welcome to another food related blog post, where I talk all things deliciousness and healthy indulgence. I hope that all of you are very good and that your week hasn't been too stressful! Without further ado, grab yourself a cuppa, get comfortable and let me jump straight into today's post.

Spring is always the time for me where I'm unsure of whether to eat something warm or cold, as it's already getting hotter (as far as you can use the word "hot" in the UK) but it's still a bit cold, so you don't want to eat just a cold salad. That's why I have come up with an amazing spring salad, which you can easily whip up in no time and still has some warmth to it from the cooked quinoa. A really important thing when eating is that you use lots of different colours, because, as the saying, the eye eats before the mouth, and if you just have some lame colours then chances are higher that you won't like it as much. Here I tried to use as many colours as possible and so many different flavours to give you an explosion in your mouth of tastiness.

This salad is full of good things for your body, obviously vegan, gluten free, nut free and refined sugar free.

You will need:


1 cup Quinoa
100g Lamb's salad
2 Avocados
1 Mango
100g Cherry tomatoes

½ Cucumber

Decoration and spices:

Pink Himalayan Salt
Pepper (I use orange pepper, but you can use normal one or any kind you like!)
Chili flakes
Some of the avocado
Pomegranate seeds

Serves: 4


Either way prepare your quinoa as instructed on the back of the packaging, or soak the 1 cup of quinoa for around 10 to 15 minutes, drain and then cook it with 2 cups of water, bring it to a boil then reduce the heat and let it simmer until soft. Chop up your avocados (cut half of it into stripes for decoration purposes) and the mango into bite sized chunks, and the cherry tomatoes and cucumber into quarters.

Wash your lamb's salad and season with some olive oil and some mixed herbs, by now your quinoa should be cooked too so just add all of your ingredients into a large mixing bowl and carefully stir them well together and season. Pop some into a serving bowl or onto a plate and add the avocado stripes and chili flakes. For the finishing touch sprinkle with some pomegranate seeds.

And there you have it, an easy, quick but yet so delicious salad perfect for spring time. If you don't like quinoa (please still give it a go, because it's sooooo good!) then bake some sweet potato wedges and put those on top, that's what I do some times as well and it tastes phenomenal!

I hope you enjoyed this little cooking class and that you will like this salad, if you do recreate it then please don't forget to send me a photo and tag me on my social medias, so I can see your lovely recreations! And please share this post over on your social medias, and leave me one of your favourite meals in the comments down below, I'd love to know them!

Mary going offline xx


  1. This looks so tasty! I must give it a try!! x

    1. Thank you so much Neona! I do think that you would love it! xo
