Mini Aubergine Pizzas & Carrot Chips

Hello everybody,

and welcome to another recipe post of mine! Can you believe that school starts tomorrow? I most certainly can't, I mean honestly where did the time go? Kind of disappeared in the air really... Anyway with the beginning of September it also means that my summer special has come to an end, as today's post is the last one for that. But don't worry that doesn't mean that I'm gone now (no!) I will only be going back to my weekly Sunday post. Enough rambling now, grab yourself a cuppa and let's jump right into today's post!

Pizza has a very special place in everyone's heart, it picks you up when you're sad, is amazingly appropriate when you're having a girl's night in or if you're just feeling the Sunday vibes. But Pizza happens to be not the healthiest thing in the world, as for most of these kinds of food, sadly, so you really shouldn't eat it that often. But let me tell you a secret, I have created a recipe that IS actually healthy and you can eat as often as you wish, sounds good? To me too, so let me show you how to make Mini Aubergine Pizzas served with some Carrot chips!

You'll need for the Pizzas

1 Onion

1 Clove of Garlic


2 Tbsp Olive Oil

1/2 Can Tomatoes in Pieces

Salt, Pepper

1 Medium sized Aubergine or 2 small ones

120g Cherry tomatoes

150g Vegan Pizza Cheese


Pizza Sauce

Peel your onion and garlic clove and dice finely. 

Take a handful of fresh Oregano and cut finely as well.

Sauté the onion and garlic with your olive oil in a medium sized saucepan until translucent.

Add your canned Tomatoes and cut Oregano.

Let it simmer for around 10 minutes whilst stirring occasionally.

Season with salt and pepper.


Preheat your oven at 170°C (Fan).

Cut your aubergines into 0,5cm thick circles.

Put some grease proof paper onto a baking tray and lay out your aubergine circles.

Place one teaspoon of the sauce on each circle and spread evenly.

Cut your cherry tomatoes into slices and place them on top of the sauce.

Season with some salt, pepper and oregano.

Sprinkle your vegan cheese over the top generously. 

Bake for 10 - 15 minutes or until your cheese is melted. 

Top Tip: My cheese sadly didn't melt so I would recommend going for one you know and not trying out something new!

You'll need for the Carrot Chips

375g Carrots

2 Tbsps Paprika Powder

Salt, Pepper

Olive Oil


Wash your carrots and cut them into thick stripes.

Place them on baking tray lined with grease proof paper.

Drizzle the olive oil over them and sprinkle the seasonings over the top.

Place it in the oven to the pizzas for 20 - 25 minutes.

I know you might be thinking "Carrot Chips, what the hell?" but I wanted to make something a little bit more fun and different and they really taste amazing! Different but absolutely delicious!

Let me know if you try one of these recipes by tweeting me or tagging me on Instagram I'd love to see all of your recreations! Also if you have any recipe you would like me to try and make a healthy version out of then leave me your requests in the comments down below and I sure will be getting around to do that for you!

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Mary going offline xx