Starting All Over Again | thegoodway

You know that feeling when you think there's just something in your life that is not complete, like you are missing out on something? Well I guess everyone has this every now and then, so what can you do about it?

I've asked myself this question a lot of times, probably a bit too often and still haven't found an answer that sums it all up in one, but I think I may have finally found my answer.
It's important that you remind yourself every so often that sometimes you don't have to plan a million steps forward, more that you should take a few steps backwards to see everything with a clearer view so you can enjoy the time that you have right now. And I guess that is exactly what I never do. I always plan ahead, just so I can feel save, I don't want to be one of those persons that always ever say they want to achieve this and that and just talk big but never ACTUALLY do something and then when they are already past their 60's they notice that it's too late to do something and that they never really got what they wanted. I want to be a person of individual, and achieve everything that I have planned in my head and want, it's so important to me that I forget to live the time I am in right now.
A few things I let drift away just because of me being so eager to live the life that I want in my future. Now that is nothing bad at all, but when you start to loose sight of everything and everyone then you know that you have gone a bit too far.

But what does that mean, and how does that answer my question? Well to be honest I still am a bit unsure myself, but I think for me it's important to have a little "clear-out" in my head, that sounds rather wrong and disgusting, doesn't it? But the whole point is to feel relieved after you have reminded yourself that you have a life NOW not just in the future, whatever it is that you want to achieve in your future, it's okay to plan it but never forget that you have to live your life in that very moment as well, because that is exactly what makes you feel like you're missing out on something.
You might remember me writing about changing and a list of what I wanted to do to mix up my life and what I wanted to achieve a few weeks back. And I noticed dramatically how much I tried to persuade myself to do all of those things and that I had to achieve everything in a matter of seconds (preferably not literally). But that's just not how life rolls, it really isn't. And that is another thing you should always keep in the back of your head.

So all of those things just listed, I think are my answer to that very question. It still isn't a complete answer, I am aware of that, but I guess it's a little step forward (so contradictory) to achieving your desired life now and in the future.

Well I guess that's it for today's rather personal and in depth blog post, I hope you like those kinds of posts as well, as I just love to write about things like that as well. If you have got anything that is on your kind or you can relate to what I just wrote than please don't hesitate to leave me all of that in the comments down below.
Mary going offline xx