Christmas And It's Joyful Moments | Blogmas With thegoodway

Hello everybody,

and welcome to Blogmas day 7! If any of you are slightly confused about me writing day 7 instead of 10, as it's the 20th of December, I count the days after my blog posts just so you know.

For today I decided to have a little chat about the real Christmas time with you guys.

Seeing as Christmas is only 5 days away from us, so nearly upon us (which is so exciting!) I thought it would only be right to talk about a real problem in our society.

Nowadays when people hear "Christmas is coming" they freak out and get stressed out. Why? Because the only thing that the majority of people are thinking about is that they have to buy presents, money, stress, a lot of people in the streets and again stress, stress, stress. But was that the case all the time? No, it wasn't, actually not at all and there we can see that people have lost the real knowledge what Christmas time is about.

Pre-Christmas time is all about spreading love and joy. The quote "It's the most beautiful time of the year" is true indeed. People need to be reminded again that spending time with your family and friends, being happy and enjoying the sight of the beautiful things of this time of the year is what Christmas time is all about. Just imagine all the Christmas lights, mulled wine, mince pies, and smiles on children face's when they receive their most wanted toy they asked for from Father Christmas. Walking around the streets in London, Brighton or wherever you might be, looking around you and seeing the Christmas decorations and happy faces of people must be a few of the most beautiful things to discover.

So how do you prevent stress situations when buying Christmas presents? I thought I would include some tips that I think are useful to know when going to the malls.

  • Write a list 
    This can be so helpful, especially when you aren't too sure what to buy some people, as well as it can be really handy getting it out during shopping so you can tick off the things you've already got.

  • Think positive

    Sounds odd, but when you go shopping with the thought "Oh my god, there are going to be so many people, so much stress." already in your mind, then things are more likely to actually get stressful. So instead of thinking like that, plant some thoughts in your head that are positive, just like "Yes, I'm gonna get some presents for my friends and they are going to be so happy about it!".

  • Make a plan

  • Somewhat related to the point writing
     a list. If you want to avoid stressful situations then making a plan is a really important step. Just walking outside without knowing where to start is only gonna add bad to a stressful situation so make sure you have planned where to go and where to get some presents.
Keep in mind that these tips are only going to help yourself, and not reducing the amount of people in the streets.

That's going to be it for today guys, I do hope that you found this blog post helpful and that you enjoyed it. If you have got some more tips that you think might be helpful as well, then please don't hesitate to leave those in the comments down below. And if you have any requests for the following blogmas blog posts, then leave them down in the comments below too.

Mary tobogganing off xx

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the above linked photos. All credit goes to Google.