Coconut Overnight Oats | thegoodway

Hello my beautiful friends,

and welcome to my small platform here on the internet. I do hope that all of you are doing really well and that you have been enjoying this summer so far. Have you done anything yet? Have you been somewhere on holiday? Let me know in the comments down below, but for now just grab yourself a cuppa and let's get started with today's post!

For today's foody post I want to share my recipe of coconut overnight oats with you, which are incredibly simple and easy to make, taste absolutely delicious and are perfect for Summer. When it's hotter outside than usual you want to avoid turning your oven on as much as you can, that's why overnight oats are so perfect for this time of year. They don't require any heat whatsoever and basically cook themselves in the fridge.

You will need:

200ml Coconut Milk

5 Tbsp Oats

1 tsp Moringa Powder

1 tsp Maca Powder

3 Tbsp Desiccated Coconut

½ cup Blueberries

3 Tbsp Maple Syrup



Goji Berries

Desiccated Coconut


Coconut Yogurt

What you need to do:

Carefully mix together all of the ingredients, put it into a mason jar, seal the lid and pop it in the fridge overnight. 

Next morning put all of the toppings over the top making it look pretty and enjoy!

Yup, that's how easy peasy it is. Perfect for on the go, work, school or general breakfast packed with so much goodness, nutrition, vitamins and energy for you. A breakfast that's healthy but tastes amazing, who said that healthy has to be boring? You can add any toppings you like! (PB and raspberries are two of my personal faves!)

That's going to be it for today guys, I do hope that you liked it and that I made you hungry after this amazing pot of deliciousness, if you decide to recreate it then please let me know that by leaving me a comment or tagging me on Instagram, Twitter Tumblr or anywhere on social media! Don't forget to follow my blog by clicking the button on the right side of my blog, I'd love you to join me on my blogging journey.

Mary going offline xx

Summer Coconut Overnight Oats

5 mins Serves 2 Ingredients: 200 ml Coconut Milk, 5 Tbsp Oats, 1 tbsp Moringa Powder, 1 tbsp Maca Powder, 3 Tbsp Desiccated Coconut 1/2 cup Blueberries 3 Tbsp Maple Syrup Toppings: Blueberries, Goji Berries, Desiccated Coconut, Coconut Yogurt,