9 Summer Essentials | thegoodway

Hello my beautiful friends,

and welcome to a summery post! I do hope that all of you are really good and that your holidays have been absolutely fabulous so far. For now just grab yourself a cuppa (or a smoothie at this hot weather...) and let's get crackin'.

Today I'm sharing my essentials for this summer season with you, starting with beauty, up to fashion and some random bits and bobs.

1. Light weight base

In summer nobody wants to wear a heavy and thick foundation, not even as a beauty chunky. That's where tinted moisturisers step in as the hero of the day! You can't feel them on your skin, they still have enough pigment to them to even out your skin tone and they are very beneficial for your skin! So it's a win-win situation. I went for the "Urban Decay Naked Skin", which I have written a review about already!

2. Bronzer

What would we do without bronzer in Summer? We would be lost! So many people rely on bronzers during the summer time as they just add this summery, bronzed goddess touch to your face that it's lacking of during the rest time of the year. And it's an especially great tool for the paler than paper people out there, like me! I basically melt into my white cami tops...

3. Bright Lip

A put together summer look isn't completed until you chuck on a bright lipstick. We all love our reds, I know but in Summer you just want to go for something different, so crack out your orange and bright pink lipsticks and show some colour! They add the finishing touch to your look whether it's for day time or night time.

What I'm wearing:

NYX - Prague

4. Bright Nails

It's always about the nudes, isn't it? Well, but when the sun comes out and the weather gets warmer it's just right to put on some bright nail polishes. You can get really creative here, because there are so many variations of bright colours on the market that you might not know which one to go for. Personally I like the white based nail polishes more than the really vibrant ones, but that's just personal preference!

5. Loose trousers

These must be one of my fashion staples and they should be becoming one of yours too! Ridiculously comfortable, easy to chuck on whilst making you look like a model out of fashion magazine (okay maybe not THAT good). They are perfect for the British summer as you're still able to wear long trousers without having to worry about getting too hot, but even in other countries where it might get hotter than 20° Celsius, they'd be perfect for an evening look with a pair of heels!

 What I'm wearing:

Trousers - Forever 21
Camisole - ASOS
Sunglasses - Very old from New Look

6. T- Shirt Dress

T-shirt dresses must be one of the comfiest clothing item ever invented. They look absolutely stunning without even trying. Just pop it over your head, put on some sandals and you're good to go!

What I'm wearing:

Dress - Brandy Melville
Watch - Michael Kors

7. Sandals

Whether you're a shoe fanatic or a sneakers kinda girl, a pair of sandals are a must-have! They look great on your feet (don't forget that your feet have to look good for that, I very strongly dislike mine, haha), stylish and they just scream "SUMMER" in your face.

What I'm wearing:

Shoes - Ralph Lauren (SALE!)

8. Sunglasses

You gotta protect those eyes of yours from the sun, right? Sunglasses, people please wear a pair of sunglasses, there aren't a hack of different styles out there for nothing! Everyone can find their perfect pair, look like you were sent from a model agency and you're doing your eyes something a very big favour!

9. A Good Summer Read

There would be something missing when laying on the beach, in your garden or in your local park if you didn't have this one book with you. I think everyone will understand what I'm talking about anyway, but there's always this one book you only want to read when it's Summer and it basically draws your memories of this summer! It has to be so good that when it accidentally falls into your hands after four years that you remember what an amazing summer you had!

My book of choice:

I Heart New York - Lindsey Kelk

Pssssst! If you still need more book inspo than let me give you that by you simply joining my book club, let me know by leaving me a comment on that post!

These are my essentials for this years summer season, do let me know yours in the comments down below and what your favourite item was!

Mary going offline xx