1 Minute Banana Mango Ice Cream

Hello my beautiful friends,

how are you? Good? I do hope so, and that your week has been nothing but fantastic. I know I say that all the time recently, but can we just talk about how quickly time is passing by? I really don't know where the time went, but anyway let me stop rambling now, grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy today's post!

In Summer we all crave something cold, delicious and refreshing, Ice Cream. But pretty much every Ice cream contains lots of sugar and nasties that nobody needs and actually the Ice cream doesn't need it either. So I will share one of the easiest and most delicious recipes for a Banana Mango Ice Cream which only contains two ingredients with you. Shall we get started?

Vegan | Refined Sugar Free | Gluten Free | No Additives

You'll need:

2 Frozen Bananas

1 Refrigerated Mango

What You Need To Do: 

If you're using a NutriBullet for a blender then pop the frozen bananas in a bowl and microwave at high for 30 seconds. 
This way you can break the pieces apart and place them one by one into the blender.

Peel the mango and cut it into the blender cup as well.

Blend until smooth, this should take around 1 minute.

You might be thinking now "What, that's it? Does that even taste good?" and my answer is yes,yes and again, yes! I told you it was easy and it tastes freaking amazing! It's so creamy and tastes phenomenal, really nothing like the one you can buy at an Ice Cream stand, because this stuff is even better! I even got my Mum onto this and she can't get enough of it ever since I let her try it! Seriously I think this recipe made it up to my Top 10 Favourite Recipes of all time, so have I convinced you yet?

If I did and you do give this a go then please let me know by tagging me on Twitter or Instagram or even leave a photo in the comments down below, I'd love to see your recreations! Also if you have any wishes for a recipe that I should try out and share with you then pop those in the comments down below and I sure will have a go on them! Don't forget to follow my blog via Google+ to make sure that you will always be notified whenever I upload a new post!

Mary going offline xx