Girls Night In ~ Best Friends Sleepover

Hello everybody,

and welcome back to my blog! I do hope that all of you had a fantastic weekend and that you'll have a good start into the next week.

I spent my weekend with my best friends at Babsi's flat where we had a sleepover, had lots of food, drinks and fun, so why don't you just grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy the photography that was taken.

Girls Night In Essentials:

Comfortable PJ's 

Fooooooooood - Pizza, Ice Cream, Sweets, Snacks, Crisps and more!

Cats - okay so these aren't an essential but they are just so freaking cute and I love them!

Movies - No sleepover would be complete without a movie where you sob your eye balls out and a comedy one!

That's going to be it for today guys, I hope you enjoyed the photo story because I definitely had a lot of fun! Massive credit to both of my best friends Babsi and Julia for taking a lot of the just shown shots, I am forever grateful for this friendship! Do let me know if you liked this kind of post and tell me what you do with your best friends on a sleepover, also don't forget to follow my blog so you can always be the first one to read my newest post! 

Julia actually has a blog of her own and I would love you to go over to her and say hello, she's an amazing writer! Lapine - Liberee

Mary going offline xx


  1. Replies
    1. It was indeed! Missing it already!


      Mary xo

  2. Hi my dear best friend,
    so you actually put up photos of us hahaha :D
    But thank you so much for this blog post, now it will always remind us of what a fun sleepover it's been! It was definitely worth bringing your camera, right? ;)
    Also thanks for putting a link to my blog in your post - I should post something again soon, shouldn't I? It's been a while :P


    1. Hello lovely,

      yes I did and I love it! So happy that you liked it too, it will always be in our memories! It was very much worth bringing my camera so glad I did!
      Ah no need to thank me, and yes you definitely should upload something very soon as your writing skills are on point!


      Mary xo
