ASOS Wedding Guest Dresses

Hello everybody,

and welcome back to my blog! Today I'm here with something a little bit different and I really hope that it's going to work just fine and that you'll like it! But without further ado grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy!

As I just said today's post is something new for me I tried my best in picking out some outfit ideas for a wedding as a wedding guest. My Mum and I are invited to a wedding of one of our family members and I thought it would be quite fun sharing my dress ideas with you guys. That's why I searched threw the internet and tried to find a way of creating a shop-able slideshow, fingers crossed it works! So enjoy!

Click on the picture to reveal all dresses:

I do hope that there is something for everyone's taste, I know it's very pink themed but I guess that's the main colour that everyone goes for at a wedding. I did try to mix it up with the beautiful black and white dress, and don't be put off by the fact that it says "Tall" if the dress is a bit longer it kind of is a midi dress for petite people like me and that's what I love about it!

Do let me know if you liked this kind of post and if you'd like me to do more of these for a different event! Also let me know which dress was your favourite! Don't forget to follow my blog, it's just one click and absolutely free and by that you will be notified whenever I upload a new post!

Mary going offline xx